Trayche Roshkoski

Developer, Gamer and Tech Enthusiast

Hey, There!

A small introduction about myself

I’m an enthusiastic and hard working individual. I can work effectively alone or as part of a team, benefiting my colleagues with my professionalism and dedication to completing tasks to the best of my abilities. I’m success driven and enjoy making a difference to my work with better knowledge and understanding. I’m a person with a strong technical background and the ability to work with the minimum of supervision. Able to quickly adapt to any situation and a fast learner with the willingness to broaden experience to other technologies.

Download Resume

May 2021 - Now

Web Developer

RScandinavian Trucking AB, Gothenburg, SW

Main responsabilities included creation and maintanance of company website, including planning, coding and maintaining internal system based on Laravel for internal use in the company to simplify their day to day tasks.

2010 - 2022

Master Degree
in Informatic and Computer Technologies

Faculty of Informatics and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Macedonia

My master thesis focuses on Hash functions and their usage in digital signatures and digital forensics. The goal of the thesis is to point out the benefits of digital signatures in electronic transactions and email exchange and to provide tools for securing digital evidence.

Jan 2018 - Maj 2021

Wordpress Developer

Town Web LLC, Madison, WI

During my time at TownWeb, I had the pleasure to work on both medium and large scale projects. My responsabilities were converting designs into templates using latest technologies and providing solutions that would best suit the client needs.

2010 - 2022

Bachelor Degree
in Informational Technology

Technical Faculty, University Saint Clement - Bitola, Macedonia

My bachelor degree has a strong focus on programming languages, programming paradigms and data structures. The aim of my bachelor’s thesis “Comparative analysis of sorting algorithms” was to find the time complexity of the most common sorting algorithms.

Aug 2014 - Sep 2017

Wordpress Developer

IDS Group, Colorado, US

As a wordpress developer working at IDS Group, I was tasked with updating and maintaining the company websites, creation of new ecommerce solution and managing seo strategies.

2010 - 2022

Electrical Technician
for computer technology and automation

Municipal High School Gorgi Naumov - Bitola, Macedonia

During my high school studies, I was exposed to introductions into the world of programming, computer science and computer networks. The basic knowledge that I received during the 4 years of study allowed me to futher continue my education into the world of IT.

My Expertise

A list of my strongest skills

HTML … 95%
90% Complete (danger)
CSS … 80%
75% Complete (danger)
JavaScript (Vue, React) … 75%
70% Complete (danger)
PHP (Laravel) … 80%
80% Complete (danger)
Wordpress … 90%
65% Complete (danger)
MySql … 80%
90% Complete (danger)

My Portfolio

Projects that I enjoyed working on over the years


359 Homes

AskDave Mortgage

MennyB Portfolio

Elite Hotel

IDS Group

RScandinavian Truck


Finished Projects


Cups of Coffee


Pizza's Ordered


Happy Clients




Please send me a message via email if you have any questions for me. I'll try my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Phone: 073 904-47-50

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